Help Desk Support - Standing by to answer your call
- Quick and knowledgeable response
- Friendly customer care
- Answer and fix to your problem
- Recorded tracking of what was reported, said and done.
Our help desk support provides 1st line and 2nd line IT engineer specialists, so no problem is a problem for long. Our team know you by name, are flexible in accommodating all your needs and deliver all the above with a sense of purpose and care.
The NML help desk ticketing solution ensures that whether you call or access the system directly, your communication with us is recorded, tracked and monitored to ensure nothing gets missed or forgotten.
Attentive, informed, quick to respond and a nice bunch of people.
Daryl Carver, EZ Runner
Part of our ASM (Automatic Service Monitoring) suite of tools help us to monitor server health and disk space, as well as internet service provider activity. Therefore, we are able to action any issue as it arises saving our clients time and worry and ensuring downtime is a rarity.